Our process with clients involves three main components to get ideas adopted: strategic story, experience design and creative multimedia production. In this post, we’re taking a closer look at creative production – what it is, how it works and why it matters.    

What is creative production?  

Creative production is the process of bringing an idea or story to life. While often associated with video production, creative production can include a variety of other multimedia capabilities, such as photography, graphic design, animation or illustration. This could look like anything from creating a social media campaign to producing a TV commercial or designing an interactive website.    

How does the creative production process work?  

From concept development to pre- and post-production to final delivery, each stage of the production process plays a vital role in ensuring the final product meets project and client goals.  

Concepting and ideation phase: The creative team brainstorms ideas and concepts that align with the needs of the project scope. It is in this phase that we determine which tools will help us to distill and enact a client’s strategic story 

Pre-production phase: Next, we map out timelines, write scripts, determine content needs and more to determine how to best capture the core message we want to share.  

Post-production phase: Finally, we hone the message even further and condense it into a palatable format to ensure empathy and understanding among the audience. 

Creative production often involves collaboration between a number of different creative professionals. Depending on the project, creative production could pull on the skills of writers, designers, videographers, animators, content strategists, and/or project managers. Each person brings their unique expertise to the table, working together to create a cohesive and effective end-product.  

Having all these skillsets (and more) under one roof makes working with an agency like Overflow so beneficial. Our process is also scalable and can range from launching a new brand or idea to completely transforming the way society views a complex topic.   

Why does creative production matter when telling your story? 

Creative production is what takes your idea or story from conceptual to concrete – transforming it into something with which an audience can engage and emotionally connect. In today’s saturated media landscape, it’s more important than ever to stand out to capture the attention of those that you want your story to reach. Creative production, paired with strategic story, enables you to communicate your story in a way that resonates, builds trust and leaves a lasting impression with your audience. 

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We believe in the power of stories. 

At Overflow, everything we do is just as anchored in strategic story as it is in the tools that we use to bring those stories to life. By combining story design principles with multimedia production, narratives are formed that create impact and shift perceptions.