Caring long-term for a loved one has become the norm for many people – especially women. It’s estimated that over 53 million people (1 in 5) in the U.S. care for an aging relative or friend. Caregivers willingly expend their time and energy doing anything and everything from helping with daily activities to performing more complex medical tasks. There’s another reality, too: The majority may sacrifice their own finances and retirement security. But there is hope, and it starts with family conversations and a solid plan, ideally before care is needed. Join Diane Gallagher who will help you develop a plan, whether you’re in the midst or may become a caregiver one day.
Biotoxin illness can present in a myriad of ways and cause a wide array of seemingly unrelated symptoms – fatigue, body pain, brain fog, cognitive changes and many strange physical symptoms. It is hard to diagnose and poorly understood in today’s health care community. Many of these biotoxins come from the spores of mold in water-damaged buildings, which is common in at least 50 percent of buildings in the United States. Furthermore, nearly 20 percent of the population has genetic variants that can make them especially sensitive to these toxins. Learn more about CIRS and how clearing the environment and the body from mycotoxins can improve health.
Does the length of time between meals matter? Intermittent fasting – a way of eating that cycles between eating and fasting – has been shown to have benefits beyond weight loss. Here, you’ll learn the three most common types of intermittent fasting, the benefits and areas of caution, and how to safely get started. We’ll discuss the science behind intermittent fasting and the metabolic switch, as well as its advantages to metabolism, the heart and the brain.
You give your love to all, but are you taking care of your own heart? Heart disease is the number one killer of women, yet only one in five women believe that heart disease is her greatest threat. Join cardiologist Heath Wilt, DO, as he introduces common issues affecting the heart, including heart attacks and coronary stents, arrhythmias and pacemakers, and heart failure and its causes and treatments. He will help you better understand these heart issues, symptoms that may be warning signs, and what to expect and what to ask when seeking medical advice.
The boat adrift meanders aimlessly, directed by external forces, unable to navigate. Similarly, our lives too often drift off course in the currents of worry, stress, fear and uncertainty. Stop drifting. When we learn to retreat to our anchor of mindfulness, silently and fully present, we allow ourselves the opportunity to gain perspective, provide self-care, build resilience and cultivate peace, setting us on a course toward a renewed ability to care for ourselves and others.
True empowerment means taking on even the toughest of relationship dynamics. While it's tempting to go along to get along, over time you can become programmed to put the needs of others ahead of your own. People-pleasing behaviors allow for temporary peace, but over time come at a high cost, both personally and professionally. Discover how to identify problematic relationships, own your role in difficult dynamics, set boundaries you can enforce, and break old patterns that aren't serving you.
No sugar added? All natural? Fat free? Health claims can be overwhelming. Don’t get fooled by product marketing. In this session, Megan will teach you how to read a food label based on your health concerns and priorities. She will guide you through the new food label and ingredient list in an easy-to-learn, interactive way. Let’s crack the code on food labels to make your next grocery shopping trip better for your health.
Maurissa Cunningham performance
Maurissa Cunningham, 2019 KC SuperStar, hosted by The Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City